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Welcome to the Redmond Proficiency Academy discussion boards! Please register under name_lastname using your @rpacademy.org email.
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Forum Rules

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Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

Post  daniel_bradley Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:41 pm

Hello all, this is your friendly neighborhood moderator speaking. In an effort to make both my job and your life much easier, I have posted these discreet forum rules for your convenience.

Rule #1: You are still in a school environment

Please, act like it. Do not use profanity, link to obscene materials, or anything that could be considered not school appropriate. Including websites, pictures, videos, and links to any of the aforementioned.

Rule #2: Use your intelligence. Please.

We may now be swimming in the primordial soup that is the interwebz, but that does not by any stretch of the imagination mean you should stop using your brain. Proper grammar is not required, but is highly recommended. If your posting is bordering on giving me a headache, you may find your post locked or deleted. I do not want this to happen for two reasons: one, as a responsible group of self-directed students, I should not have to go around cleaning up your grammar; second, me, and the students involved in leadership want to hear your opinion. That's right folks, YOUR very own homegrown opinion.

Rule #3: There is a reason why spam rhymes with ban. Sort of.

Spam is defined as "2. Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.". Basically, don't post unnecessary junk on our forum. Same goes for the chatbox. Of course, the other form of spam is character spam. DO NOT USE ALL CAPS ACRONYMS NO PUNCTUATION AND FIFTY EXCLAMATION POINTS Very Happy LOL!!!!!!!1!!!1!!! Especially in thread topics. Your thread deserves no more attention than any other thread, nor is it more important or more urgent. Also, for the time being, do not under any circumstances, bump a thread, yours or otherwise. Bumping a thread is considered posting a (usually) meaningless reply (like "bump") in a (relatively) dead thread in hopes someone else will post in it. Do NOT do this.

"The Consequences"

Major rule violators will have their accounts banned (meaning you can only read others posts) and will be reviewed by RPA staff. Minor violators will be issued a warning and may have their thread locked, deleted, or car towed at owner's expense.

For everyone else, feel free to ask me or any other mod/admin about any of these rules. Also, read the stickies in each individual forum for rules pertaining to it and read the site FAQ or shoot a mod a PM (that's forum code for personal message) if you have any issues regarding your account or posting.

Remember kids, you have no rights. Play nice.

Forum Rules CoffeeArmy

Last edited by daniel_bradley on Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:57 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 14
Join date : 2009-09-24

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Forum Rules Empty Thank you for reading

Post  christopher_henke Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:06 pm

Thank you for spending time to read the rules so you can participate properly.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2009-09-24
Age : 31


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