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Student Government Positions

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Student Government Positions Empty Student Government Positions

Post  daniel_bradley Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:00 pm

Definitions of Student Government Positions

Presidents (4, one for each class)-

Each class (freshman, sophomore, junior and senior) will have one president
Specific school events will be assigned to certain classes. Thus one school president will “oversee” every event. I.e graduation could be assigned to the senior class and the senior class president would head-up that event
Wether we decided to have monthly or weekly student government meetings, the chair position will rotate between the class presidents so that the senior president would run the first meeting, junior president the second meeting and so on
The president(s) will be the liaison between the school staff and students, leadership, and the student government
The president which falls into the position of chair at student government meetings will: Run the meeting, make sure everyones opinion is heard and that everyone is involved in the meeting, appoint committees as needed to plan/put on events and work on projects, and delegate to the student government and leadership


Record attendance at student government meetings
Send out emails about student government meetings and other important information
Take notes at student government meetings
Present an overview of previous meeting’s notes at each meeting
Keep track of important names, dates, places, contact information, etc
Keep record of school year plan
Write letters for student government such as thank you notes, request for information, etc
Keep record of Treasure’s reports


Record all finical assets biweekly
Maintain finical records
Present finical balances at each student government meeting
Maintain bank account

Community Representatives (2)-

Give introductions to business
Maintain relationships with business
Pursue financial adventures with local business and organizations
Provide representation for nonprofit such as Kiwanias and Rotary
Represent at various community meetings such as Talk of the Town and Coffee Clatter
Provide communication between business and community members and RPA
new class opportunities in the community
Report back with new information and up dates at student government meetings

School Representatives (2)-

Spread information about school events (i.e. dances, movie nights, community)
Create posters, imovies, and podcast to promote school involvement
Create excitement and motivation

Class Representatives (8, two for each class)-

Communicate with everyone in their class
Bring information back to student government and leadership about class needs and wants
Hold monthly class assemblies to gather new information and discuss new ideas with their class
Participate in decision making with student government

Posts : 14
Join date : 2009-09-24

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