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The Duck Tape Game

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The Duck Tape Game Empty The Duck Tape Game

Post  daniel_bradley Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:46 am

Alright. This is a simple game. The only rules are A. You have to figure a way to use duck tape to get out of the situation that the person has before you has given, and B. You have to give a new situation.


User one says: You're sitting a on a ledge in a tall cliff

User two says: I make a rope using duck tape, tie it to the cliff and rappel down. You have to cross a river.

User three says: I make a boat out of duck tape.

And so on.

You're stranded on a desert island one mile away from the mainland and you don't have enough duct tape to make a raft or boat. albino

Last edited by daniel_bradley on Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2009-09-24

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The Duck Tape Game Empty duck tape

Post  christopher_henke Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:25 pm

I make a S.O.S. sign with the shiny duct tape and flag down a helicopter. Helicopter lands but is out of gas. The helicopter has an extreme amount of duct tape on it!


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Age : 31


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The Duck Tape Game Empty Re: The Duck Tape Game

Post  David_troyer Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:38 pm

daniel_bradley wrote:

You're stranded on a desert island one mile away from the mainland and you don't have enough duct tape to make a raft or boat. albino

I make a pair of duct tape flippers and swim to the main land

your in a submarine 300 ft. below the surface that is taking on water. the water pressure of the leak is far to strong for you to cover with duct tape. BTW, you have only a small amount of DT on you (one roll) but the cargo bay has lots of duct tape in water-proof bags. The cargo bay is flooded.


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Join date : 2009-09-30
Age : 30

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The Duck Tape Game Empty Re: The Duck Tape Game

Post  kristina_leyva Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:33 pm

you soak up the water with all the bags, then duck tape them to the wall using the last of the roll.
A roll of duck tape rolls past the front of the door; you grab it before it rolls off the ship.You realized that the door is locked and the rest of the duck tape is on the other side. The ship is covered with TNT all around it.



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The Duck Tape Game Empty Re: The Duck Tape Game

Post  David_troyer Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:39 pm

kristina_leyva wrote:you soak up the water with all the bags, then duck tape them to the wall using the last of the roll.
A roll of duck tape rolls past the front of the door; you grab it before it rolls off the ship.You realized that the door is locked and the rest of the duck tape is on the other side. The ship is covered with TNT all around it.


Luckly, the door's hinges are very loose, so I just remove the hinges and get the door out of the way. I use the extra duck tape to make a wet suit and a air tank. I leave the ship, and sense the TNT isn't lit, I peel it off the ship (I may have a use for it later) and than surface.

You now find yourself lost in the middle of the ocean, no land is in sight. You happen to be in a zero-aircraft area, and sharks are closing in. In addition to having lots of duct tape, you have some of TNT that you salvaged from the submarine you were in before it sank.


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Age : 30

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The Duck Tape Game Empty Re: The Duck Tape Game

Post  jesse_johnson Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:55 pm

i tape the tnt to the closest shark and light it, and swim as fast as i can away from the sharks. it blows up and the sharks die. But now you realize that your still stuck in the middle of the ocean and the duck tape is starting to weigh you down and making you sink.


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The Duck Tape Game Empty Re: The Duck Tape Game

Post  David_troyer Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:51 pm

I make a inflateable raft out of my duct tape and rest on it. I use the TNT to fish for food until I find land.

You find land... but there are hungry cannables on it. You won't reach the shore for awhile, but the tide assures that you will go to the island. how will you prevent them from eating you?


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Join date : 2009-09-30
Age : 30

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